Since the customer supports your business, it is normal to try and satisfy them as much as possible. However, dealing with an unhappy customer can be stressful if you do not know how to handle the situation. With this in mind, we have steps that will allow you to approach a dissatisfied customer serenely and avoid losing them!
Adopt the right attitude
When an unhappy client calls you, it is imperative that you remain calm. Your goal is to listen, analyze, and propose a solution to the problem.
The first thing to do is to invite him to present his problem in detail.
When he has finished explaining the situation, you must show him that you have received his message he wanted to convey to you. Rephrase the facts to confirm you understand the situation he presented.
Next, show empathy and try to put yourself in the customer’s shoes. If you can identify the state in which the dissatisfied customer maybe (not having received his order in time for a birthday, for example), it will be easier for you to imagine how you would also be dissatisfied. It is, therefore, necessary to reassure the client by indicating that you fully understand his dissatisfaction and that together, you will try to find a suitable solution.
Throughout the exchange, it is essential for you to always maintain your calm and your composure. If the customer gets upset, then try to reason with him. If he is raising his voice, then speak more softly. If insults or threats are heard, tell him soberly that his behavior will not advance the situation and that if he continues to be unpleasant, you will have no choice but to end the discussion. It is vital to build the relationship by doing everything possible to defuse any tension.
Identify the problem
When a dissatisfied customer contacts you, you do not necessarily know what the reason is. If you want to bring a relevant solution to your problem, you must first determine the problem: is it a product or service? Shipping problem? A bad user experience on your website?
It can be tempting to interrupt the customer but wait until he has finished explaining and contextualizing the problem. If necessary, take notes that you can reference later when you try to resolve the issue.
Determine the type of client you are dealing with
The more the dissatisfied customer expresses himself, the more he will reveal elements of understanding that will guide your speech and approach. We can distinguish 5 types of dissatisfied customers with whom we should interact differently:
The procedural client
Generally cold or aggressive in his remarks, this first type of customer does not hesitate to let it be known that he is disappointed and tends to insist on unimportant details. With them, it is important to bring down the tension by saying that you have identified the problem and that you will make every effort to ensure that it does not happen again. Do not resort to excuses. The goal is not to prolong the exchange with these people. Defuse the tension and make sure to close the debate quickly by compensating the customer.
The opportunist client
This type of client is clever since he is aware that the complaint is exaggerated or does keep with the harm he suffered.
Generally, he is motivated by obtaining a financial or material compensation (voucher, delivery, sending a new product…) If you have doubts about the merits of the customer’s complaint, do not hesitate to ask him to provide evidence (invoices, photos…) that will allow you to determine whether his request is justified.
If it turns out that you are dealing with an opportunistic client, do not give in to all his demands but simply compensate him for the damage he has suffered. Even if his complaint is completely unfounded, it may be best to grant him something. If he were to leave empty-handed, it is possible that he decides to go and spread unflattering information about the company. On the other hand, if he gets some compensation, he will leave appeased. Make sure to put the customer on a special list, so his next attempt to get something from you be firm and refuse any compensation.
The emotional client
The dissatisfied customer, who remains friendly and tries to leverage emotions, is called the emotional client. He will appeal to your empathy and generosity to obtain reparation by highlighting the consequences of the problem or by insisting that he has been buying from you for a long time. If his goal is to get compensation, he can be considered different from the opportunist client.
The emotional client is usually a good customer who wishes to be entitled to certain “special” attention. In this case, it is important to understand what the customer expects from you to best meet their needs. Take time to determine what is wrong and make a commercial gesture if possible.
It may also be relevant to ask your customer directly what they expect of you to feel important. Finally, take time to thank him for his time. It will reinforce his notion that he is more than just another customer.
The sincere customer
If you are dealing with this type of dissatisfied customer, be grateful because they are the ones that will pose the least problems.
The sincere customer will indicate what has not worked in a factual and authentic way without waiting for something in return. He often bases his complaint on facts without magnifying or minimizing them. He simply wants the problem to be recognized.
It is important to acknowledge that the mistake is human, and you recognize something did not go well. Find out as much as you can about what caused the customer’s dissatisfaction, and make sure everything is going to be done so that it does not happen again. Also, thank him for his constructive comments. A commercial gesture is also recommended depending on the discussion.