Consider a lot when starting your own business. In this, you will find the ten most important steps. You can perform some of these steps simultaneously.
Explore your possibilities and test your qualities
You want to become an entrepreneur. But what kind of business do you want to start? Do you want to create your own shop? What are you going to sell? What services will you provide? And is entrepreneurship something for you? See the possibilities for the future company, write a business plan, and test your entrepreneurial qualities. It will give you an impression of whether starting your own business is feasible.
Explore the market and find out your strategy
Starting your own business requires time and research. Find out what makes you better or different from your competitors and determine how you market your product or service. What makes your own business different? How can you distinguish yourself? Who do your customers want? Do market research and find out your strategy for the coming years.
Financial planning
You need money to get your business off the ground. With a financial plan, you map out how much you need and where you get it. You also gain insight into your company’s opportunities. This way, you can estimate in advance whether starting a business is profitable for you.
Also, read the Money Book for Entrepreneurs with practical tips for managing your finances.
Come up with a unique name for the company
It would help to have the company’s name for your Chamber of Commerce registration. A good company name is recognizable. It sticks and makes clear what you have to offer. Check whether your company name does not yet exist.
Choose a legal form
Before you start your own company, you need a legal form. The legal document that suits the decision-making tool of a company indicates the legal structure that fits the situation. Above all, the legal form determines your liability, the amount of tax you must pay, and whether you receive tax benefits.
Make sure your administration meets the requirements
Set up and maintain an administration. There are probably better things out there. As an entrepreneur, you are legally obliged to do so. Therefore, make sure that your administrator meets the requirements. For example, you must indicate how much tax you must pay and how much VAT you receive.
Arrange general terms and conditions and insurance
Starting a business also means taking risks. Map out your business risks and cover them as well as possible. For example, liability insurance and disability insurance. And with general terms and conditions, you immediately clarify what rights and obligations you and your customers have on both sides.
Meet all legal demand
As an entrepreneur, you sometimes also must meet specific professional requirements. You may also have to deal with essentials for your commercial space. For example, if you have a home business, Is that allowed according to the zoning plan? Can you locate your business anywhere? Do you have a separate business premise? Is it fire-safe, meets the environmental requirements, and knows which waste you must separate? Your municipality can help you find out the laws and regulations.
Register your company name at the Chamber of commerce
Ready for the official launch of your business? Then, you must register your company in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce will pass on your details to the Tax Authorities. You do not have to register your company separately with the tax authorities. If the Tax and Customs Administration records you as a VAT entrepreneur, you will receive your turnover tax number and your VAT identification number (VAT ID)
Look for customers
How do you get customers? Many entrepreneurs find customers through their networks. See how to make more sales. Check out which events and meetings are in your region and visit network meetings. Always remain alert to fraud and deception.