Establish TrustConsistent messaging and branding make potential clients see you as reliable and dependable. You will look like you have been around for a while, and you aren’t going anywhere – and that’s the type of enterprise people feel comfortable doing business with. Our brand has been a consistent part of our marketing from the start, and here we are, nearly a decade into our company’s journey. Most of our industry colleagues can easily recognize us by our checkbox alone!
Choose a Personality
When considering your brand messaging, also think about the tone you use when communicating with your customer base. Are you witty and dry? Do you make the experience humorous or light-spirited? Or do you prefer to represent your brand as serious and professional? Do you use a mascot or logo to reflect that tone? Social media is a great place to display your tone and engage with an audience that appreciates your brand personality.Display Prominently
Once you have decided on a brand mark, use it on everything. Part of branding is ensuring that the website, brochures, business cards, leave-behinds, web advertisements, promotional materials, etc., all represent the same name, logo, color scheme, and messaging. Not only should it all be the same, but the brand should also be on everything: internal messages, signature blocks, directory listings, checklists, and human resources documents.Take the time to establish a strong brand for your company. One that reflects your personality. Once you have made a choice, use it on everything. Soon your audience will recognize your brand as you!