Want a Raise? Here’s How to do It!

Want a Raise - Complete Controller

Asking for a salary increment from your boss is probably like paying taxes, and cleaning gutters is your favorite thing to do. But having a freezing salary lets you compel for this request.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report, from 2012 to 2013, American compensation increased by around 1.9%. According to the research of executive search firm Salveson Stetson Group in the US, the settlement of senior executives who transferred last year increased up to 17%. Now, you dare to speak up for your salary increment as you should.

Asking for a salary increase is something deeply rooted in Anglo-Saxon culture. However, here we are still “afraid” of asking for something that undoubtedly corresponds to us if we have been doing our job well. Let’s see what you can do to ask your boss if it is time to raise your salary. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

  1. Choose the time to ask for the salary increase

The first thing you must do is find the right time. If you have been in the company for a while, you already know whether it works well. You will even know how to detect the signs that indicate if you are in a moment of prosperity or if problems are coming.

  1. Follow the internal protocol

Your performance may be so good that you deserve a salary increase. But your request may fall into the broken sack if you ask for it inappropriately or to someone with no decision-making capacity on this issue.

Each company has an internal protocol for this type of thing. You should know the one that applies to yours. The best thing is to make the process as formal as possible. Please don’t talk about it. They are your boss while you drink coffee or comment on it while preparing for a meeting. Please make an appointment with him, indicating the topic you want to discuss. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

  1. Prepare your exhibition

Indeed, in your company, they already know how valuable you are. Still, if you ask for a salary increase, you must “sell” a bit, highlighting all the good you have contributed and can contribute. You better not leave anything to improvise. Prepare a small script that collects all your arguments a few days before the meeting.

  1. Prepare the documentation

When talking to your boss, we have just pointed out that there is nothing about looking at the “chop” with the script to defend your arguments. But what you should have on hand and show your interlocutor are the documents that can help your opinion.

You should bring documents highlighting your value in the company: essential reports that you have prepared, over time that you have done, and tasks that are not your own and that you have appropriately done when replacing a partner, etc.

  1. Don’t focus only on yourself

If you ask for a salary increase, the conversation will revolve around you. Still, it would be best not to forget to value the company. Let your boss know you are comfortable with your work and appreciate what the company brings you. You want this relationship to be long-term because of what you contribute to the company and what she brings to you. A salary increase would help strengthen that relationship. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

  1. Ask without demanding and without specifying

If you have decided to be brave and ask for a raise, do not back down when asking, but do it with discretion. Experts advise not to ask for a specific figure. Instead of asking for a certain amount, propose an upward revision of the salary range to your interlocutor. In this way, you are leaving the decision on how much you can increase your salary.

  1. What should you do at the time of request rejection?

Undoubtedly, hearing or facing rejection is the most challenging feeling. But don’t give up or be discouraged. Ask in a simple tone when you will get a raise in salary in the future. It will be the green signal if your boss makes an excuse for the poorly structured company. If your boss explains how to step forward your game for the coming go-round, it won’t be the end of the story.

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