Voice Search Optimization

Voice Search Optimization - Complete Controller

Few people know that Google’s voice search has existed before – but not in the same way as it works today. The first version of Google’s voice search was launched as early as 2010, almost ten years ago. Then the users had to call a specific number and repeat their search (for example, “recipe for pancakes”), which updated the search results page based on what was said during the call.

Of course, this did not work as smoothly as today, but the exciting thing is that it already used the service then. Since then, Google has developed voice search to include the service in increasing the company’s apps and products. And today, voice search is a natural tool when searching for information.


How do I Develop My Site for Voice Search?

Now we have looked at what voice search is and found that the searches that take place via voice are constantly increasing. We can state that voice search is here to stay, making it an increasingly important part to include in an SEO strategy to avoid losing traffic in the future. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

If you are already working with search engine optimization, there is a good chance that they are already part of your daily work. Below I go through each one a little closer.


Focus on Long-Tail Terms and Questions

Searches that occur via voice tend to be longer and more natural than those that occur via text. It means that we need to design the content on the website in the same way – with long-tail terms and issues. We are simply looking as we speak.

Start by developing a keyword analysis focusing on long-tail keywords to get you started and plan your content.


Be Sure to Keep the Local Content Up to Date

Google has long adapted the search results to where you are. The voice search is no exception, as most voice searches are questions related to different local places and how to get there.

Therefore, ensure that all local content on the site is current and that the information available on Google Maps and Google My Business is consistent. If it does not, you risk sending your visitors to the wrong addresses at troubled times – and you do not want that!


Structured Data Help to Understand the Content

Structured data enables search engines to recognize various aspects of your website. For example, it is possible to markup product information such as price, stock balance, and ratings to get more decadent hits in the search results. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Not so long ago, there was also a new inclusion in structured data called Speakable, which helps search engines determine which part of the text is best suited for reading. In other words, this is perfect for telling search engines what content suits your voice!


Visibility in Direct Answers

Direct Answers allows Google to give its users extra quick answers by presenting the solution directly in the search results, above the organic hits. You can see it as ranking “zero.” And during a voice search, precisely this snippet of text is read out in response. Evaluate it yourself!


Optimize Your Site’s Load Times – Every Second Makes a Difference

Page loading will always be essential in SEO as it determines how long it takes before the site has finished loading and can display all the content for you. It is even more effective in mobile searches, as is the voice search – where every second makes a difference, and quick answers are necessary. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Did you know visitors tend to leave a site that takes more than 2 seconds to load?



The voice search is here to stay. It is going nowhere, and the trend shows that searches that take place with the help of the voice will increase even more in the coming years and change how we search. It becomes obvious when phrases like “Hey Siri,” “Hey Alexa,” and “OK, Google” become a more natural part of our everyday lives.

 It is necessary to keep up the journey and create a strategy for how your website will answer this type of search already here – which will undoubtedly be even more in the future.

Good luck with the optimization!

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