Things to Make You an Investing Guru

Investing Guru 101 - Complete Controller

Here are some tips that will make you a Guru in investment are as follows.

  1. Compose and utilize your system of rules

Are you surprised that this is the initial rule on the list? No wonder it is because it is the necessary thing. Each person has formed a photograph of the world over the years of life based on personal experience. With all wants, no one can present this information concisely, and you will not realize what it is.

So, it may seem that you realize what other people are talking about, but this is not. You only understand what you can recognize at the moment. Accordingly, you may not identify the material with the meaning that the author put into it. Therefore, listen carefully to professors, analysts, and investment gurus. And me. And do not rush to decisions. You can listen and take notice, but you can’t unquestioningly trust the force and put each and everything you read and hear into action (and if you do, then be aware that the duty for your actions lies with you and only you – you’re not acting at gunpoint).

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  1. Start with the quantity you don’t mind losing

Everything is straightforward here. In the first stage, you will not be able to make conclusions with an unconscious mind if the quantity from the sale of a single property or money borrowed from a bank is at stake.

Even in the case of failed investments, you should ideally consider the reasons for the wrong decisions and conclude the future: work on the mistakes. This is impassable if your head is busy explaining to your spouse that you have nowhere else to exist or how to repay the loan. These are, of course, overstated examples, but for understanding – just right. Even if the loss equals a monthly salary, it is pretty noticeable for many.

  1. Do not be afraid and do not regret lost profits

It’s always difficult to watch something grow without you. Be it gold, bitcoin, or Tesla stock. While the market presents a plethora of chances every day, somehow, the growth stories that have passed us by are strangely regrettable. We don’t tend to feel happy about getting past a stock that’s 50% strong. But for some unknown reason, we are depressed that we did not buy something that has grown by 100%.

Toadies are another factor that prevents you from making informed decisions. Here, I call “frog” (from the word “toad”) something in between the emotions experienced so as not to introduce many terms.

The stock is at historic highs, but the toad whispers that it is expensive and we need to wait for a correction to buy. And the price goes up and up because the business develops and brings in more and more money. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

The stock is up 300%, which is too much for the business’s current performance. The toad says, “Wait, don’t sell; it will rise again,” and the price is corrected.

Do not listen to the toad; you must use common sense.

  1. Expand your horizons and knowledge about the world

Perhaps one of the most challenging points. It will be hard to invest if you have never been interested in anything other than the bare minimum for work and life. Instead, it will take you a lot of time to delve into modern business trends and the world to capture the relationship between events and their impact on economic agents.

  1. Have confidence in what you buy and think about the future

A simple example: you purchased shares of a particular company, and they seriously sank. There are four possible scenarios here.

You bought on someone else’s recommendation

  • 1.1. You unquestioningly trusted the advice of an analyst/blogger/investment guru. But do you have doubts about his choice? Did he accurately take everything into account, calculate everything, and accurately tell everything he had to? You have anxiety and panic; you don’t know what to do: sell negatively or hope that the price will grow.
  • 1.2. You trust this person’s competence 100% and do not doubt his choice, and as a result, the stock will show growth. You are calm. But are there many people you can unconditionally entrust with choosing your investments? Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

You bought by your own decision

  • 2.1. You decided on a whim (you use the brand, heard about it, and read good reviews) or the result of superficial analysis (for example, you saw that profit for the quarter increased by N %). As a result, there are doubts about my choice: “Did I consider everything? Surely, I did not consider something, I’m not good at this …” Again, anxiety and panic.
  • 2.2. The decision resulted from your analysis based on your current knowledge. But you understand that everyone can make a mistake, and since the price has fallen, you may have made it. However, in this case: – you can analyze your mistakes and adjust your decision-making system; – over time, confidence in your strategy and knowledge will grow, peace of mind will grow, and you will learn to enjoy investments.
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