Small Business Reserve Cash

Small Business Reserve Cash - Complete Controller

Before a person decides to hire a new employee, and even more so before doing this, think and count how much you need to spend on resources and payroll figures. Ask yourself, is there equality between the size of the employee’s salary and the actual value of the employee for the company?

They called from the newspaper “I want to work”; they asked me to answer several questions. Result – read below. It turned out to be a full-fledged article. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

How Much Does an Employee Cost?

Social contributions and pension funds

It will cost you about 50% plus in addition to the amount paid to the hands of wages. Any accountant will tell you: “For the RR dollar, I give the various funds $4, and then on trifles.” Many people think that employees can be registered as IP or some other way to avoid taxes, payments, and contributions – be aware that you are not the first such clever. Secondly – it is a criminal offense, and thirdly – not all employees agree to work on such terms. Therefore, these costs are inevitable.

Personal computer

The very fact of its presence. Is it there? In the 21st century, an employee’s workplace without a computer is more like a table in a warehouse than a modern man’s workplace; the cost of configuration, maintenance, synchronization, data protection, LAN, connection to printers, scanners, etc. The way out is to have a permanent sysadmin in the office (again + one more employee of J; you can, of course, outsource). There are remote sysadmins (freelancers or outsourcers) who, for 1 hour of work with a PC, ask for $500-$800. Or a fixed payment of $500 for one system unit in the company’s office on the Internet. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts


  • Phone, preferably with a separate number, although sometimes you can, and mini-ATS (IP-telephony).
  • The additional workplace in the helpdesk (large companies will understand what it’s about).
  • Additional place in Bitrix 24, Megaplan, or another planning and management service (about CRM heard?).
  • Do you have the device yourself? Or should you buy a new one?


It all depends on you and your imagination, but the table and chair are clear that each employee is only separate. Do you know the cost? How often do the chairs-turntables know?

  • Coffee-tea-printouts-and a lot more

A coffee machine, a coffee maker, a more relaxed, a kettle, a printer – everything wears out, breaks down, and constantly requires consumables: do you have plastic cups? And tea and biscuits at the expense of the company? How many employees will print out for personal use?

  • Holidays

Birthday (each employee), the birth of a child, the wedding, the end of the session, the exit after maternity leave, leave, return from vacation, anniversary (this is more than the birthday), etc. – it all requires spending on gifts and celebrations. In addition, every holiday takes away the working time of other employees, distracting them from doing the work. This time, it grows exponentially with the addition of each new employee. But there are corporate parties! Download A Free Financial Toolkit

  • Management

It takes time, brain, and nerves to set tasks, monitor implementation, monitor staff interaction, manage conflicts, solve problems, and make difficult management decisions. If you manage more than seven employees – you will not have time for development or anything else. If time remains, you are in lousy control and have big problems with employees. Moreover, as you know, direct management of more than 6-8 employees a priori is not effective. The remaining units, in this case, elude the attention of the chief. Therefore, employing managers to manage these employees with a more significant number of employees is inevitable. On the other hand, to make additional payments to the personnel reserve, which will be delegated training, supervision, or other manager functions? Moreover, this is a new cost.

  • “Poor” employee influences the rest

Moreover, it is much stronger than you think. The mediocre employee quickly and easily makes his colleagues ineffective. This “substandard” employee poisons everything around him. The principle of “crab” does not work for itself and does not allow others to get out.

ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business