Secure Health Coverage

Secure Health Coverage- Complete Controller

With the multiple cuts that public health experiences worldwide, many people have decided to transition to private health insurance to be treated quickly or consult a specialist without waiting months.

However, purchasing health insurance requires considering the fee to be paid and the guarantees it offers. One of the most essential points is whether it is an ethical company. If you need insurance at a certain time, they will not tell you they will no longer insure you.

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Some health insurance companies include in their conditions that they will not increase the rate to be paid after one year has elapsed. Similarly, they will not apply abusive prices, will not throw you out because you get older, will not apply co-payments that were not communicated up front and will attend to ailments.

Sometimes, it is discovered that insurers terminate their clients’ policies when their clients are in any of these situations:

  • They get a chronic disease
  • They are older
  • Have a serious illness

Although not typical, it nevertheless happens. But if you face these situations, you should first ask whether the insurance company can cancel your policy.

Unfortunately, they can cancel it because insurance companies are not obliged to keep customers, although in most cases, they will face a complaint or litigation from the client

Reasons for Policy Cancellation

An insurance company is a business, so you must meet all the insurance company’s conditions. If not, they have the power to cancel your contract. Insurance is a risky business as the insurers sign their contracts understanding payments will be made while trying to avoid losses.

Insurance companies know how to survive as a business, but in many cases, people have claims that do not suit typical coverage. An insurance company will readily cancel your policy if you become a non-payment candidate or you falsify your information regarding your policy.

To avoid these practices, carefully read and consider the terms and conditions of each insurance policy before purchasing their coverage. Typically, health insurance companies only cancel or terminate the health contract for the following reasons.

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Policy Termination and Age Discrepancies in Health Insurance

If the insured fails to disclose all relevant health conditions or provides false information, the insurer reserves the right to terminate the contract within one month of discovering such discrepancies.

Additionally, if the insured intentionally misrepresents dates of birth to lower premiums and the actual age falls outside the insurer’s coverage limits, the policy may be canceled.
However, if the insured’s true age falls within the coverage limits, the insurer will only request payment of the difference between the premium paid and the premium that should have been paid based on the accurate age information.

Similarly, there are five reasons an insurance company might not renew your policy or cancel a request:

  • Excessive claims requests
  • Disrepair, renovation, or maintenance required for home
  • Several missing payments or policy of non-payment
  • Moral hazard, criminal record, or false declarations
  • A material change in risk or change in circumstancesADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Avoid Insurance Cancellation

It is an unpleasant experience to be threatened with or receive a cancellation notice from your insurance company. You may be in trouble regarding insurance due to cancellation, or you may pay extra for insurance in the long run. After all, it affects your insurance credit. The insurance company can withdraw its decision to cancel insurance by negotiation and explanation; however, the chances of this are minimal.


Many individuals are turning to private health insurance for quicker access to care and specialized consultations in response to the strain on public health systems worldwide. However, selecting the right insurance involves more than just considering fees and guarantees; ethical factors are crucial, too. It’s vital to ensure the insurer is reliable and won’t terminate coverage during critical times, such as illness or aging. While some insurers offer favorable conditions like fixed rates and comprehensive coverage, others may cancel policies under certain circumstances, such as non-disclosure of health conditions or age manipulation.

Understanding the reasons for policy cancellation and renewal denial can help policyholders navigate potential pitfalls and avoid surprises. To mitigate the risk of 
policy cancellation, it’s essential to carefully review and adhere to the insurance contract’s terms and conditions, be transparent about health conditions, and pay premiums on time. Although negotiating with the insurer may be an option in some cases, prevention through diligence and adherence to policy terms is the best strategy to avoid insurance cancellation and safeguard one’s health and financial well-being.

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