The restaurant industry is filled with owners who fall into the trap of “staying small” by playing it safe and not growing. While it may seem easy to open a restaurant, managing the operations initially requires exceptionally long hours and a great deal of work. In addition, the financial rewards may be very modest, making expansion difficult. Below are few handy tips that a new restaurant owner may use to improve their standards and increase their chances of success:
Considering it as a franchise?
By working hard to ensure that your restaurant is the next big franchise, you have already begun to overcome one biggest issue most restaurant owners face: standing apart from the competition. Construct your business by creating an atmosphere and process that future franchise owners can successfully replicate and implement. Think big, know that your restaurant is the next big thing to hit the industry.
All aspects of restaurant operations, even minor details such as staff uniforms or table layout, must be analyzed and tested for effectiveness and efficiency. There is no such thing as a detail too small.
These procedures can then be followed by anyone wanting to model your success by opening their own location. This will also allow store owners to focus on overall operations instead of worrying about the technical aspects, such as cooking or service procedures. This allows for uniformity throughout the franchise.
Examining the personality
Before you can become ready to franchise your restaurant, you must first establish your long-term goals while also considering your own personality and passions.
If a person has a passion for preparing food and serving customers, they will innately become somewhat of a performer. Their happiness is found in the service side of the restaurant, and they may not be fulfilled operating a full chain of restaurants. However, if a person has the temperament and abilities of a manager, they will be content focusing on financial management and logistics. Consider how this applies to your situation. As an entrepreneur, you will spend a lot of time planning and organizing the restaurant chain without worrying too much about day-to-day operations.
To be successful, a franchisor must possess the characteristics of a manager and contractor. Like we said, opening a restaurant with the goal of franchising requires a great deal of dedication and time.
Identify and codify the processes
When it comes to opening a new restaurant, a system of procedures must be created to ensure efficient operations. Establishing clear expectations for staff will free up your time, allowing you to focus on big picture issues, such as attracting investors.
Nowadays, a restaurant must invest considerable capital in things like proper equipment, fancy and stylish decor, and qualified well-mannered staff in the foodservice industry. Those who provide funds, such as investors or lenders, require the restaurateur to be knowledgeable and productive. The owner must describe all processes in detail and effectively codify them in a business plan to meet this requirement.
Join a franchise
If you are considering starting up a franchisee of established restaurant chains, most of the tasks mentioned above must be already accomplished. Understandably, franchise networks are generally much more successful than independent restaurants. While running an independent restaurant may be very fulfilling and moderately successful, a single location offers less earning potential than a full franchise. Therefore, when considering opening a commercial franchisee, it is the restaurant owner’s responsibility to determine whether the franchise network of interest is able to meet all of the requirements listed above. You must also consider whether the primary franchisor provides extensive restaurant operation training.