Reduce the Self-Employed Tax Penalty

Self-Employed Tax Penalty - Complete Controller

Receiving a notice from the IRS is almost always a cause for concern, especially when the letter’s content says Initiation Agreement and communication of the process of the sanctioning process. With this title full of terminology and challenging to understand, Finance communicates what, in the jargon of walking around the home, we appreciate as a sanctioning procedure after the settlement you have already received on a tax audit.

Therefore, a tax audit may end in sanction. In this case, you will face the debt that the IRS considered you did not enter at the time and assume the sanction itself. Assume or not. Now we will see it. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business


What is the Possibility of Avoiding the Fine and Reducing the Tax Penalty?


Reduce a tax penalty to save

It is demonstrable in the proceedings of allegations made by the IRS or in a subsequent appeal that there was no intentionality or guilt when you stopped paying the IRS the amount liquidated. Now, all is not lost. If you have received the notification from the Tax Agency, contain and read this article before taking your hands to your head.

However, in all probability, you will have to face the sanction that the IRS demands, correct the error, and reduce the economic impact of the embargo on your pocket and your business. The best way to avoid facing everything we explain is to prevent it. How? By carrying impeccable accounting and tax management of your business and having a bit of online advice for it. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault


Reduce a tax penalty to 30% for compliance

Indeed, the possibility of applying any reduction in the sanctioned amount depends on your predisposition to enter the ring; in other words, it depends on showing conformity or disagreement with the debt derived from the sanctioning procedure.

In case you assume the fact that has caused the process and accept the proposal of imposition of penalty, you will have to pay the IRS the reduced fine in the following amounts:

An additional 25% on the amount already reduced if you also enter the penalty within the period indicated by the IRS and neither resort to the sanction nor the liquidation. And is that time is short.

And in case of dissatisfaction of the self-employed before a sanction? The appeal of replacement or economic-administrative claim

Suppose you are dissatisfied with the resolution of the IRS, and your allegations have not taken effect during the sanctioning procedure. In that case, you can take a step forward and file an appeal for reinstatement or an economic-administrative claim, instruments with which you have as self-employed, as a taxpayer, and as a citizen to appeal the decisions of the Internal Revenue Service. Below, we answer some of the questions that may arise when filing a replacement appeal or an administrative or economic claim.


When the appeal for reconsideration or economic-administrative claim is processed

Accounts with a term of one month counted from the day following the notification of the act are subject to appeal. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits


What is the status of the sanction when starting a repossession resource?

When an appeal for reinstatement or OER files on a sanction, executing the punishable act is automatically suspended until a resolution is issued.


Is the right to a reduction of tax penalty maintained?

No, when the sanction is appealed, you lose the right to a reduction of 25% of it, which is applied only in case of compliance with the payment of the sanction according to the General Tax Law. If the resolution fails against you, you will have to face the entire sanction.


Can you appeal the resolution of the appeal?

Of course, yes. If you continue to be dissatisfied with the resolution, your next step would be to file an economic-administrative claim with the Economic-Administrative Court.

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