Marketing to Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation - Complete Controller

Today, it is impossible for a business to ignore the importance of owning a website. This trend is indicative of the evolution of communication.

As of yesterday, traditional marketing was the main acquisition lever for most companies and brands. Now, it must recognize that it is digital marketing that prevails. Whether large companies or SMEs, all now have a website. Many also exist on social networks as well as on various digital platforms.

Just as communication rules have changed, customers’ behavior has also changed. The multiplication of connected media generates changes inhabits. The customer wishes to be informed without being the target of repeated and intrusive communication.

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Fundamental Differences

Where traditional marketing aims to communicate in the broadest possible way, digital marketing tends to target the target audience as well as possible.

The prospectus, catalog, and television advertising have gradually given way to more targeted means of communication. Unfortunately, the old supports did not allow us to measure the relevance and effectiveness of the campaigns carried out. Only the turnover validated or not a strategy.

With the proliferation of digital media, online visibility has become a significant issue. Many companies have understood this and have developed solutions to reach a qualified audience. Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing can deliver a message to a chosen audience, either by interest, age group, or socio-professional category. In other words, companies are trying to reach the right audience with the right message.

Cross-channel communication, for example, allows you to launch a campaign on different communication media. There is no shortage of social media, websites, YouTube channels, and mobile applications. Each one corresponding to a population segment makes it easy to adapt the message to make it relevant to everyone’s eyes.

Besides, analyzing the data generated by these campaigns allows us to measure their effectiveness and relevance. It is the way to adapt the communication according to the results obtained. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Adapting to New Rules

To survive in rapidly changing markets, companies must adapt. From human resources to commercial objectives, some companies must rethink their mode of operation and their organization completely. It is not uncommon, for example, to see the community manager position appear within the workforce. As the digital marketing market draws heavily on social networks, the presence of an employee able to master its work has become essential. They are often young and hold a certification stating their training.

The advent of this type of workstation is entirely due to this change in communication and marketing. Today, the digital premium.

Likewise, the sales teams evolve to adapt the strategy and the objectives to the new tools. Telephone prospecting, for example, is no longer as effective as it used to be. On the contrary, it has become a source of annoyance. Modern commercial prospecting takes many forms:

  • Newsletter
  • Inbound marketing: it is the art of attracting customers to yourself
  • Community management: animation of communities on social networks
  • Creation of a mobile application to stay in constant contact with the client

These are just a few of the tools that reach audiences and customers.

Tailored Techniques

When taking advantage of these changes, any business is interested in approaching the digital shift in a brutal and reasoned way.

Until recently, a simple showcase site was enough to exist on the web. Today, this is no longer the case. There are few sectors where this type of achievement is sufficient. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Given the fierce competition from specific markets, it becomes imperative to practice continuous competitive intelligence and draw inspiration from the most influential players. This is where growth hacking comes in. This method makes it possible to be inspired, even to use strategies the competitors have implemented.

This type of method happens because of data. It is all the data that is collected concerning the behavior of Internet users and mobile users. Without a proper interpretation of these figures, it is almost impossible to develop relevant and targeted communication. Without going into the dark side of pure and complex hacking, it is thus possible to take advantage of a lot of data accessible through tools to refine your communication strategy.

The goal is to have an audience as qualified as possible to ensure a good turnover. Too many companies want to develop their traffic. Unfortunately, it is not necessarily the number of views that counts but the number of users potentially interested in the products or services. Quality is more important than quantity.

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