No matter how innovative you get, how tight the deadlines are, and how impressive the results become, there will come a time when you have to face some unhappy clients. The reasons could vary, but the ways to handle it do not.
Usually, the factors that make the clients unhappy are:
Most of the time, as an agent, you meet clients who are not entirely sure about what they want, making it harder for agents to figure things out. Whereas in the world of social media, clients are quite steady and vocal with their choices and opinions. For you, it is essential to handle every situation with skill and dignity.
Here are some tips for handling tense situations and resolving them to everybody’s satisfaction:
Stay Calm
It would be stupid to respond similarly when your customer becomes rude or starts yelling at you. Chances are, you may make things difficult for yourself and perhaps even escalate conflicts. Maintain control of yourself even if the whole situation makes you feel like yelling.
Do not take things Personally
Always remember that the customer is not mad at you. They are displeased with the performance of the product or the services that you provide. Keep your personal feelings aside and try getting to the solution of the issue.
Use your Listening Skills
What do we all do when we are angry? We complain. Similarly, if you think about it, every unhappy customer walks in and has so much to say about the product or the services. Let them vent – it will help. Let them tell you how miserable they felt and how difficult the use of the product was. The best thing to do now is to stay calm and hear them out.
Make them feel acknowledged. Once they are done talking, confirm you understood their issue by summarizing it in your words and ask further questions if need be. Your body language and your facial expressions can be critically important here. While talking, keep eye contact, stand up straight, and your arms crossed. Show them that you are paying attention to every detail as they speak and how considering you genuinely are.
Half of the issues can be resolved if you pay attention and keep acknowledging them.
Actively Sympathize
Once your customer is done venting, he wants to know if you understood everything and if you can come up with a solution. A client would like to hear positive things from your end at that point. Express sympathy for their unpleasant/ poor customer experience. Trust us; respect and understanding go a long way when trying to smooth things over.
Apologize Sincerely
Whether the client’s complaint is irrelevant or legitimate, your job is to keep your cool and apologize appropriately. If you want someone to stay a customer, express an apology – a simple, straightforward sentence is sometimes all that is needed.
Look for a Solutions
Now that you finally know what was upsetting your client, you may offer and help find a solution. Ask the client what he feels should be done to make things better again and put forward a fair and realistic answer. In most scenarios, that is all a customer is looking for, which then provides some degree of satisfaction.
A few Minutes for Yourself
After the entire situation is over and your client is finally on his way back home – take some time for yourself. We know this can be tiring because even if you dealt with the situation professionally, it could be stressful. Rather than letting that stress linger inside, treat yourself, go for a short walk and prepare yourself to deal with other clients.
All in All
The client is not always right, but the client is indeed always right. Some clients take advantage of this statement, but you need to handle such challenges as agents or representatives of the business. Treat your client like they are in charge but make sure you get the work done your way. So, the best way to deal with unhappy customers is by simply acknowledging them and providing them with an appropriate solution that benefits all. Good Luck!