Getting a Service Fee Waived

Getting a Service Fee Waived- Complete Controller

Navigating the complexities of healthcare fees and exemptions is crucial for various demographics. This guide outlines the criteria for exemption from user fees, providing detailed insights for pregnant women, minors, individuals with disabilities, those facing economic insufficiency, and other specific groups. Understanding the necessary documentation and processes ensures equitable access to healthcare services, shedding light on the diverse pathways for users seeking exemption.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Expectant and Parturient

Pregnant women seeking exemption from user fees can avail themselves of this benefit by following specific guidelines outlined by the Central Administration of the Health System. To qualify, individuals must submit the official medical declaration at the Health Center within their local area. Furthermore, it’s important to note that exemption from these fees also applies to cases of Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy. This ensures that pregnant individuals have access to necessary healthcare services without the burden of additional fees during this critical period.

Minors Under 18

Minors under the age of 18 are entitled to an exemption from user fees. To benefit from this waiver, they are required to present a valid civil identification document at the Health Center within their residence. It’s essential to note that this entitlement concludes on the day following their attainment of adulthood, ensuring a seamless transition as they navigate into adulthood and assume greater responsibility for their healthcare needs.

Individuals with a Disability Equal to or Exceeding 60%

Individuals with a disability equal to or exceeding 60% are eligible for an exemption from user fees. To qualify for this exemption, they must present a multipurpose certificate at the Health Center. This certificate serves to verify the degree of disability and ensures that individuals facing significant disabilities can access healthcare services without the additional burden of user fees.

Individuals Facing Economic Hardship

Individuals facing economic hardship can be exempt from user fees. To be considered part of this group, a household’s monthly income should not exceed $658.22, which is 1.5 times the Social Support Index ($438.81 in 2020). This criterion ensures that those undergoing financial challenges have access to healthcare services without the additional burden of user fees, providing support to vulnerable populations during times of economic strain.

Unemployment Circumstances

If you are unemployed and have registered at the Employment Center, you may qualify for an exemption from user fees. It applies if you receive unemployment benefits equal to or less than 1.5 times the IAS (Index of Social Support) or if you don’t receive such support and cannot demonstrate economic insufficiency as per legal provisions.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

To apply for an exemption, you need to submit a declaration in the prescribed format issued by the Employment Center at the Health Centers. It’s important to note that this exemption does not apply to long-term unemployment situations. In cases of prolonged unemployment, eligibility for this benefit is contingent on demonstrating economic insufficiency.

Philanthropic Blood Donors

In the case of philanthropic blood donors, the exemption from user fees depends on the yearly submission of a statement issued by the American Red Cross or an authorized blood donation organization confirming blood donations made in the last 12 months. A declaration affirming the esteemed status of a donor with over 30 lifetime donations can also be presented. The necessary document should be submitted to the local Health Center in both instances.

Cell, Tissue, and Organ Donors

To qualify for an exemption from user fees as a living donor of cells, tissues, and organs, you must submit a declaration confirming this status issued by the American Red Cross or an authorized organ procurement organization.


Firefighters must be included in the identification list of firefighters registered in the National Register of Users (RNU) to be eligible for exemption. It is crucial to regularly update the identification data of these professionals with the respective Fire Department.

Transplant Patients

To be eligible for an exemption from user fees, transplant patients must provide a declaration issued by the relevant services of hospital institutions confirming their transplant status at the Health Center.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Military or Former Members of the Armed Forces

Military personnel or ex-members of the Armed Forces who are permanently incapacitated due to military service can avail themselves of an exemption from user fees. To qualify, they must present their “Disabled of the Armed Forces” identification card.

Youth in the Promotion and Protection Process

Young individuals involved in the promotion and protection process overseen by the Commission for the Protection of Children and Young People or in court and who are unable to establish their economic insufficiency or are minors can obtain an exemption by submitting an official declaration model issued by the Commission for Protection of Minors or by the Family and Minors Court at the Health Center.

Institutionalized Youth

Young individuals in institutionalized conditions are eligible for this benefit if they do not qualify for any other form of exemption, such as being minors or experiencing economic insufficiency. To avail themselves of this exemption at the Health Center, they must present an official declaration form issued by the corresponding Family and Minors Court or a declaration from the institution responsible for the reception and care of minors.

Young People Integrated into Social Shelter Responses by Court Decision

To qualify for an exemption from user fees, young individuals integrated into social shelter responses by court decision must furnish an official statement using the prescribed model issued by the Civil Court that rendered the decision. This documentation should be presented at the health center to avail themselves of the exemption.

Asylum Seekers and Refugees

To be eligible for the exemption from user fees, asylum seekers or refugees must provide a valid declaration of an asylum application or a valid temporary residence permit. This documentation should be presented to avail themselves of the exemption.

Users Referred by SNS 24

Suppose you don’t fall into the mentioned exemption groups. In that case, you can still qualify for an exemption from user fees if you visit the Health Center or emergency hospital after being referred by the Health Line 24. When benefiting from this exemption, simply stating that the respective line referred is sufficient to be exempt from fees and other prescribed charges.


Ultimately, this guide is a valuable resource for individuals navigating the complexities of healthcare fees, fostering an understanding of their rights and avenues for exemption. It underscores the importance of a well-informed and inclusive approach to healthcare access, promoting the well-being of diverse communities.

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