Implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity system was easy when employees worked in an office, and all sensitive data was held on-site. However, organizations have struggled to adapt their traditional cybersecurity strategy to the new paradigm with changing work attitudes and the increasing necessity of remote work policies. Customer data protection remains a critical component of every organization’s cybersecurity strategy.
Businesses must tackle cybersecurity differently in this new work environment. Most employees may access company network data via insecure workstations, exposing the organization to potential intrusion.
Methods To Preserve Security in Remote Work Environments
Cybersecurity is complex, even in normal circumstances. However, the coronavirus outbreak and subsequent lockdown have posed additional challenges for IT and security experts. With the movement to remote work, you must protect and secure all employees, data, and devices not on-site. Additionally, a hybrid environment, or where employees work both in and out of the office, maybe even more vulnerable.
Clearly State Your Policy and Provide Training
Small businesses require a high level of security. Implementing a remote work policy and security strategy should be the initial step, as it will guide the business’s approach to ensuring employee security. The next stage is to educate staff about cybersecurity concerns. Finally, deploy technologies and processes, such as two-factor authentication, virtual private networks (VPNs), and administrator user account restrictions.
Specific Objectives-Oriented Policy
Maintain realism. A well-defined, stringent policy that is not adhered to is ineffective. Employees may be more inclined to develop workarounds outside of defined systems and processes by onerous security regulations. Define the objectives that must be met and adjust your policy to those criteria. Balance the procedure in such a way that it encourages users to adhere.

Examine the Software Requirements for Remote Employees
Specific licenses for Office 365 subscribers allow installing the Office suite on up to five PCs or Macs, five tablets, or five smartphones. Those with volume licenses can enable their staff to purchase offices for personal use. Depending on the platform and version of the office where you currently have a license, you may need to check your licensing options and alternatives.
If your users’ remote systems are not currently under your control, you may wish to add the capacity to administer and monitor them. Examine your current antivirus vendor’s options to determine if they offer cloud consoles that can be more readily used to manage these remote devices. Alternatively, if you are a subscriber to Office 365, you can use Intune with the appropriate licenses. Finally, contact any consultants you work with; they may be able to supply temporary permits for the screen connection software they already use to operate your network remotely.
Two-Factor Authentication Should be Implemented (2FA)
Consider adding 2FA to remote access solutions as you add more. You may easily integrate two-factor authentication solutions such as with your existing on-premises remote access systems. can incorporate two-factor authentication into its RDGateway and Remote Web Access products. While your organization may need to act swiftly to enable remote work for its employees, you can still ensure that only authorized administrators and users gain access, not attackers.
Employees Should Be Educated Against COVID-19 Fraud
The National Cyber Awareness system warned of the spread of COVID-19 scams. Instruct your users to avoid clicking on unwanted emails and to visit only authorized websites. Ascertain that the corporation maintains a central internet bulletin board for official communication and notification, particularly if any organization members become infected.

Maintain Work-Related Data on Office Computers
Perhaps you like attending to a few emails at home before you sleep. This habit may be completely acceptable if you take safeguards such as using your work computer, secure Wi-Fi, a VPN, encrypted data, antivirus, and endpoint protection. With that stated, it can be tempting to use your personal computer if your work computer is in another room or if you forget to bring your laptop charger from work. This simple mistake may pose a risk for both you and the business.
If you work for a firm with a competent IT team, these tasks may be apparent, such as installing frequent updates, running antivirus scans, and blocking harmful websites. There is a strong probability that you have not followed the same security precautions required at work on your computer. Additionally, your organization can afford more sophisticated technology controls than you can.
Without those running in the background, your personal computer is not secure for work-related information due to the possibility of third-party intrusions and compromise. In essence, by connecting a personal computer to a work network, even remotely, you are putting the company networks in danger, as well as yourself, by accepting the possibility of severe corporate damages due to policy, practice, or infractions.
While sound technologies and regulations are beneficial, the reality is that remote employees are a vital source of security risk. General work from home and small policies for computer and internet use can be beneficial, and technological and administrative restrictions can enforce these restrictions.
These security awareness methods and strategies will assist employees in safely operating company equipment and information regardless of location. These work-from-home security measures can be implemented into official employee and cybersecurity policies by CISOs and IT administrators. We propose that organizations train employees on these rules during new hire orientation as part of ongoing security awareness training, significantly when organizations alter their security and remote work policies.