Debts with Social Security

Debts with Social Security - Complete Controller

The lack of liquidity of the business or the belief that there is no obligation to register as self-employed is just one reason why the self-employed worker stops being up to date with the Administration. If the creditor is Social Security, you should know that what awaits you is not exactly a dish of good taste, so we recommend you always check the box. In the following lines, we deal with the costly consequences of having debts with Social Security due to non-payment of fees.

Certain obligations prompt your Social Security installments to be decorated. These incorporate government obligations like administrative charges, bureaucratic understudy advances, kid backing and divorce settlement, and casualty compensation. There is one warning that you should know about this theme.

Suppose your Social Security benefits are saved legitimately into your financial balance. In that case, the bank is legally necessary to shield them from garnishment at whatever point the leaser endeavors to take cash from your record. Assuming, in any case, you get a Social Security check and store it yourself. The bank can freeze your record when the lender attempts to take cash from it. You would need to go to court to demonstrate that the money in your record is from your Social Security benefits. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

The Cost of Not Paying the Self-Employed Quota

If you are one of those people who has crossed your mind not to register in the Special Regime of Self-Employed Workers (RETA), let us tell you that it is a terrible idea. By Labor Inspection or ex officio, the Administration can force you to register as self-employed and retroactively pay the corresponding fees; this, added to the surcharge of 20% to pay late, is a blow to your pocket.

Loss of Bonuses

But that is not all. Having debts with Social Security, either because you have not registered as self-employed or are not paying monthly fees, reduces the possibility of benefiting from bonuses. According to the previously mentioned case, the Administration forces you to register as a newly self-employed person. In that case, you will not benefit from the flat rate or other bonuses to the fee directed to those who start their activity. Suppose you are already enjoying any of them and stop paying just one of the monthly installments. In that case, you will lose the right to continue benefiting from the reduction at least until you make up the payment of the debt, a moment in which you take the bonus in the period that corresponded. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Dismissal of Subsidies

Add and follow. Another consequence of not being aware of your obligations with Social Security (also a tax) is the refusal or non-payment by the Administration of subsidies called by any public body. It is indicated in Article 13 of the General Subsidies Law:

The persons or entities in which any of the following circumstances may arise shall not obtain the condition of the beneficiary or collaborating entity of the subsidies regulated in this Act. However, due to the nature of the subsidy, its regulatory provisions are accepted:

  • Not being up to date in complying with the tax or social security obligations imposed by the current provisions in the manner determined by regulation. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Non-Payment of Benefits

If all the above did not seem to be enough punishment for getting into debt with Social Security, there is another penance: the non-payment of benefits. Suppose you have outstanding Social Security accounts when you request your retirement. In that case, you will not be able to collect the pension without first paying them or, failing that, postponing them. However, we remind you that Social Security does not allow the postponement of debts of less than double the current monthly SMI.

There may be cases in which the debtor is declared uncollectible by the Administration, and the debt is not due. Still, in the fine print for calculating the pension, the outstanding payment period will be deducted from the total time, which could lead you to not comply with the minimum time required in case the debt is large and the period is too long.

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