All About Sharing Economy

All About Sharing Economy- Complete Controller

A while ago, we realized that things had to change and that, among other things, we had been swept up by the shopping addiction, fuelled by billions in advertising.

We may have realized that the only solution was changing the economic system. Change to one in which you will buy less, save more, and share what you have with others.

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Embracing a New Economic Movement

In the short term, an economic movement appeared in which everyone, especially young people, had an instrument to quickly and effectively spread this movement based on sharing what we have. This instrument, the Internet, has allowed millions of people to find others to share what they might need.

The Rise of the Sharing Economy

Moreover, so was born what we call the economy of sharing, a different form of economy that depends much more on social capital than market capitalization and feeds more on social trust in common goods than on the unknown forces that govern the market.

The Convergence of Technologies

The fact is that although the Internet of Communications has a facilitating function, merging with the Internet of Energy and Logistics.

In the coming years, to create an eco-intelligent infrastructure that can operate at a marginal cost close to 0, other forms of sharing, such as rent, distribution networks, and cultural, professional, and technical exchanges, will grow extraordinarily.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Shifting Paradigms

Indeed, the day this happens, the production and the exchange in collaboration will stop being a marginal sector and become the dominant paradigm. Capitalism will be the rare thing, not the other way around as it is now.

We increasingly practice collaborative consumption in traditional sharing, trading, trading, lending, renting, giving, or exchanging, but redefined by technology and peer communities.

Collaborative consumption makes people aware of the advantages of accessing products and services instead of owning them, the benefits reflected in saving money, space, and time, the new friends we make, and the feeling of being part of an active community.

Environmental Benefits

We cannot forget that this system also has advantages from the environmental point of view, such as increasing eco-efficiency, reducing waste, stimulating the development of eco-intelligent products, and eliminating surplus due to excess production and consumption.

Recognizing Companies in the Collaborative Economy

In an article by Rachel Bootsman, she shared five key elements to recognize companies driven by the collaborative economy.

  • The main idea of the business is to discover value in unused or underutilized assets, either because of their monetary or non-monetary benefits.
  • The company has a clear mission that is driven by values. It is based on essential principles such as transparency, the human condition, and authenticity for short- and long-term strategic decisions.
  • Suppliers on the supply side must be valued, respected, and endowed with power since companies acquire a commitment to boost their economic and social development.
  • Customers must find a more efficient way to obtain the goods and services they need on platforms.
  • You must build the business based on decentralized networks to create a sense of belonging, collective responsibility, and mutual benefit in conjunction with the community they develop.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

The Role of Trust in the Sharing Economy

The sharing economy is equal to the efficient use of resources for a well-organized economy. Various authors strive to inject the value of trust in creating relationships and a reputation for sharing economy. The exchange or transaction parties must be trustworthy to make your fair exchange successful. In this way, trust will make your payment and delivery process straightforward. It builds a timeless bond between the supplier and the consumer. Otherwise, there will not be an essential exchange or transaction. 

Transparency in Data Sharing

Primarily, openness and transparency belong to the sharing of data. As a result, users get access to resources. The best example of such a type of trading is the Airbnb network, which comprises home and residential space providers. It starts with information transparency and presents the database to more significant customer communities looking for living spaces. This way, you will have more chances of links between goods or services providers and clients. 

Expanding Business through the Sharing Economy

The sharing economy is the best way to expand business at both online and traditional levels. Decentralized companies always come up with the best and good stance in the market. In this case, consumers and suppliers enjoy their trustworthy and timeless bond.

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