Communication creates a business culture of loyalty, ownership, and a sense of belonging to the company by its employees. Employees need to feel valued by having clear and defined principles, roles, and challenges they will face. One of the chief complaints of collaborators in organizations is the lack of communication.
Great leaders must connect with their team professionally and emotionally to inspire them and achieve their best performance. This communication is a complex process that involves aspects that are fundamental for people to feel that their voices are listened to and that they are important to the company.
Here are seven tips for a leader to become the best communicator for your organization:
Leaders need to speak with authority to communicate effectively. As the person in charge of the organization, the leader must communicate the information with certainty. This authority produces credibility and trust among the members of the work team.
The best leaders know that for communication to be effective, it must be sincere. Honesty, both good and bad news, should be the basis of internal communication in any organization. Always speaking with the truth generates trust and loyalty on the part of the collaborators and clients.
Speak in public and private:
Leaders must be able to speak with the group and with the collaborators individually with the same effectiveness and clarity. The key is to know in which situations a group meeting is necessary and in which an individual one. In both cases, trust should be transmitted, and the participants should be actively listened to.
Know how to listen:
Communication is a two-way process. Both parties should be clear when they speak and listen actively when the other person speaks. Taking the time necessary to listen to the ideas and opinions of collaborators and focus on what they are saying is key to finding the solutions for all those interested.
Ask for feedback:
Leaders do not assume that their collaborators received the message they delivered. Verify that the information given to the recipients is the message intended. If understanding was missed, then you need to re-communicate to make sure the information is received correctly.
Leaders who make mistakes admit them and discuss them with their collaborators to find quick and effective solutions. In communication, you cannot waste your time; looking for blame is not an alternative; you need to act to fix it and learn not to fall again in the future.
Be proactive:
Leaders who want to cultivate the best communication skills do not waste time and are up to date with the news of their sector, are agile to dispel rumors in the company, share the good news and bad news at the right time. They constantly talk with their team so that they do not go in the wrong direction; they ask for and give feedback to strengthen the company’s culture.
Leaders who communicate effectively with their team do not boast about their knowledge. They think about human talent, the most important capital of any organization. They know what they need to hear, and they worry about how to deliver those messages the best way. Leaders also say what is important, even if its bad news.
Honesty, trust, respect, the ability to speak and listen actively, self-criticism, and credibility are the qualities of a leader who wants to excel by the way he communicates with his team. Identifying the virtues and weaknesses in each of these aspects is a great first step to becoming a star communicator.