Few people are able to buy a car all in cash. That is why most people turn to financing their vehicles. Financing a vehicle is a large purchase and one that should be carefully thought over before making the decision to finance a vehicle. Financing allows you to make manageable payments over an extended period of time. However, financing also includes adding interest to the total purchase price. There are a few different options to do this, so it is your duty to do your research and analyze them, as well as your finances. Then, choose the option that best suits your specific needs.
Here are 5 ways to finance the purchase of your car.
- Get a personal loan from a financial institution. This is the most common option. The interest and total cost may vary depending on the institution with which you make the contract. Loan providers also use your credit score and history to determine your eligibility, as well as your payment amounts and schedule. Be cautious when proceeding with this option. Often, your assets and property are used as collateral, serving as a guarantee for payback of these loans. This would place your possessions at risk if you were to fall on hard times and fail to make your payments on time.
- Family or friendship loan. This may be a more secure option than using a financial institution. It is important to discuss the loan amount in detail and spell-out everything in writing to avoid problems in the future. This may be a great alternative if the loan is through someone that you trust. You will typically have more time to return the money, and interest rates may be lower or even nonexistent. The only negative thing about this option is that relationships with friends and family may change over time, which can put you in a tricky spot when you owe them money.
- Purchase in installments. When purchasing in installments, you will sign a contract with the seller that states that you agree to buy a vehicle within a certain timeframe. You can still use the vehicle while paying fixed monthly installments until you have paid the full price. You will be registered as the driver and party responsible for the vehicle, but you will not be the owner until after you have finished with the payments. Compared with flexible financing, you will end up paying more in the long term due to the higher interest rate that comes with this financing option.
- Flexible financing. Many car agencies offer a flexible payment plan. This is similar to the installment plan mentioned above, but with some key differences. Contrary to the previous option, once you have finished with the payments, you can then decide to keep the car, return it without obligation, or exchange it for another model that is of the same brand. All you must do is pay the difference. Occasionally, you may be able to negotiate a discount on another model.
- Savings. It is not always necessary to get involved in any financial agreement if you have some money saved. Savings can come from an inheritance, selling an old vehicle, or just basic hard work. Saving for the purchase allows you not to have to depend on anyone else, nor will you have to worry about interest. This is the most economical and stress-free option and is an ideal choice for those who can afford it.
Whichever option you choose, buying a car is an important life decision. To avoid paying too much and accruing debt, try to make cautious financing choices.