Are you worried about the rise in the price of electricity? Do you think you pay too much? Do not worry; saving light at home is easy. We tell you five essential tricks that will help you achieve it.
The price of electricity has risen and shows no signs of decreasing any time soon. The price per kilowatt in 2022, on average, was $0.14. In 2023, that average will have risen to about $0.23!
We cannot reduce the price of electricity in the wholesale market, which supplies the retailers that we later hire at home. Instead, we can take specific measures to consume less and reduce the bills in our house.
Watch the Appliances
The appliances that consume the lightest are the refrigerator, the television, the washing machine, the oven, and the computer. When you leave the TV, the PC, or a music device plugged in, you do not use them. The standby mode is activated. Currently, so-called silent consumption occurs. If you turn off all the on-standby devices, you can save 10% on the amount of light you use.
According to the gathered data, the refrigerator is, by far, the appliance that spends the lightest: a third of all household consumption. The washing machine accounts for almost 12% and the oven about 8%. If you also have a dishwasher, you will consume even more. Why? Because heating water is a function that needs more energy.
To reduce the consumption of appliances, you can do two things. First, stop by the store and invest in new devices with energy labeling A +, A ++, and A +++. This is a mandatory seal that indicates its energy efficiency and performance. Although it seems to you that it is a lot of money, they are more than profitable in the long run.
Second, if you do not want to make this investment, use programs with low temperatures when using the washing machine and the dishwasher. For the fridge, try to keep it in an area that is not extremely hot, never leave it open, clean the back frequently, and monitor the temperature. Maybe it is not necessary for the food you have to be so cold.
Adjust the Contracted Power
Once you have streamlined the use of appliances, saving light will be more accessible if you pay attention to your consumption. The lion’s share of your bill is the contracted power, the energy you can use to make your home function normally.
The contracted power is measured in kilowatts (kW) and appears on your bill. To understand it quickly, you pay for every kilowatt you can use. Then you will pay for the consumption, of course. This helpful calculator is an excellent way to know what power you can hire without passing or falling short.
Study Time Discrimination
Saving light by just changing your customs a little is possible. Hourly discrimination is a type of electricity tariff whose objective is to reduce consumption in the schedules of more energy demands. It works with the so-called peak hours (expensive) and valley hours (cheap).
If you can concentrate a minimum of 30% of the light of your home in the valley hours, you can save up to $70 per year on your bill. By the way, do not worry. The rate is reversible if, in the end, you cannot adjust the hours of use of appliances—one more example of how to save light virtually.
Compare the Rates of the Marketers
Have you ever thought about changing the company of light? Marketers have quite different prices. Some have offered to attract customers, which usually has significant advantages.
The company change is an excellent way to save on the electricity bill. Do not worry; the supply will not be cut even if you change providers. The procedure is simple and free.