A lot of people desire to go into business for themselves, but very few individuals do. And folks who do, six out of ten fail within the first five years. The question is, why are these businesses failing?
If you think you will never go through hard times in your business, then you are living in a bubble. Business is like a roller-coaster ride, ups and downs are necessary, and there are many factors. A few things are inevitable, but there are other things that you can work on so you can act carefully. Here are three dangerous thought patterns that can extinguish your business and strategies to overcome them.
Doing What You Want to Do Without A Clear Vision
People who get into business for themselves are experts in their craft. Sadly, most of them set themselves up for failure since they start doing what they know and ignore the rest of the stuff. These businesses start functioning according to the wishes of the owner instead of the needs of the customers.
It’s these dangerous thoughts that doom their business before it even starts, and the reason is simply this:
The owner is so absorbed in doing what they are experts at that they neglect to work on their business needs. They have no vision for where the business is going or strategy for progress. You must grow a clear vision, purpose, values, and task for your corporate that gives you clarity and endurance to survive the ups and downs that any business will unavoidably face.
Business from An Employee’s Viewpoint
At the very start, do whatever your business wants you to do. But then again, find yourself doing not just the work you know how to do, but all of the challenging things you do not know how to do as well. Then, gradually, you will realize there is more work to do than you can get done.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being skilled in your expertise. There is something incorrect with being a professional crafts-person who runs a business without changing this hazardous thought pattern! Because:
As an expert crafts-person who turned into a business owner, your focus is entirely upside down. Your vision of the world is from the bottom up, from an operative’s perspective, instead of from the top down, from a businessperson’s perspective.
Also, sometimes people are so used to working in somebody else’s business than working on their own. But, while working on your own business, there is something more significant that is not being done. And it is the strategic work, the implementation of organizations that will take your business ahead, so you can live the dream you have always envisioned.
If you wish to have a viable business instead of working yourself to death with this dangerous thought pattern, you should be able to make growth predictable and systematic. It would be best if you believed business as a series of systems that will lead to development.
Tactical View Rather Than a Strategic View
When an entrepreneur is fixated on working “in” their business instead of working “on” it, they grow unclear of their primacies and try using every method they can to bring in the income they so badly need. They impulsively go with the newest trend or latest technique praying it will work.
Well, in business, guesses and hopes are not tactics. This dangerous thought pattern is not how you function a significant business! You must have specific aims, some way to measure whether that strategy works or not.
You must use a Vision-Based Framework to help you get direction, clarity, and focus on your business needs to go forward. It will help you filter out interruptions and use the right strategies in placement with your business’s aim and strategic plan.
The mindset of a businessperson whose focus is on constructing and building a successful business and the three risky thought patterns that can destroy your business is grave to discovering why most productions do not flourish and ensuring that yours does.