Print Marketing in Digital Age

Print Marketing in Digital Age- Complete Controller.

It’s becoming more and more evident that the world is moving further toward digitalization, and the printing industry is already starting to adapt. Thanks to digital printing, the print marketing industry will reach a value of $300 billion by the end of 2024. 

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Preservation of Traditional Reading Preferences

Still, some would like to preserve the ways of old a little longer. A 2017 survey showed that 73% of people claimed to prefer reading a book or magazine instead of staring at a screen. 71% said reading about an event in the newspaper provided a better understanding than watching it in the news. 

79% of people surveyed said they react to printed mail immediately, but only 45% admitted to doing the same with email. 

Business Communication Through Printed Media

Many businesses also use printed mail to communicate with shareholders. One such company is Airbnb, which sends each of its shareholders a printed magazine discussing the internal machinations and other external factors surrounding the company. 

Daniel Dejan is a neuroscience researcher who has closely studied the relationship between humans and print marketing. According to Dejan, people will eventually return to print media once they experience monitor fatigue. He has said, “The brain reaches a point of saturation. And when it does, it can no longer take in any more. So, when you reach that point of digital information overload—whether you realize it or not—even younger demographics will seek out printed materials.”

Role of Paper Media in Offices and Corporate Environments

Paper media still has a place in offices and corporate environments. Business cardssales documents, and brochures are commonly found in office buildings even today, and this will not change. 

Research by Epsilon Marketing suggested that 80% of people preferred to do business with companies that offer customization and personalization. 

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Successful Examples of Print and Digital Personalized Marketing

One example of personalized marketing that was successful in print and digital was Coke’s ‘Share a Coke’ campaign, in which people were encouraged to find Coke bottles with their names on the label

Customers prefer printed packaging, as it carries the perception of being more thoughtful and putting more effort into it. Printed packaging also helps foster a memorable brand image so customers can identify your brand. 

Dollar Shave Club, for example, includes a printed newsletter with many of its products. They believe this is one way to ‘deepen the brand’s relationship with customers.

Coexistence of Digitalization and Print Media in Companies

Many companies may have embraced digitalization for the most part, but specific sectors still rely on print media. Many companies no longer bother to keep track of how much printing they do. Printing costs usually get buried between more essential metrics of each branch of a larger organization. 

Environmental Impact and Sustainable Production Methods

As necessary as printing has been for so many years, there’s no denying its strain on our planet’s resources. Climate change scientists have warned for years about the effects of cutting down thousands of trees to make paper, and industries are finally starting to listen. Despite cutting down on printed media as much as possible, even the most environmentally conscious companies still rely on it. New and sustainable production methods will likely be used if printed media still has an essential place in the marketing sector. 

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Influence of Cloud-Based Technology on Print Media

The rise of cloud-based technology has also significantly affected print media, making printing cheaper and more efficient than ever. Cloud computing allows modern companies to print paper-based material in bulk, wherever needed, thus saving transport and storage costs. 

Print Media’s Essential Role Despite Digital Advancements

Print media is still essential but will never be a perfect substitute for digital marketing. The internet provides a globalized network that paper media cannot compete with, allowing businesses to reach broader audiences than ever before and stay connected with them regularly.

Uncertain Future: Assessing Business-Specific Marketing Needs

Each marketing strategy can only work for some businesses. Every business needs to assess its specific needs and strengths to determine what benefit print marketing brings to its company. Print media is still popular, but that could change in the future. There’s no telling what could happen. Will modern technology find a new, sustainable replacement for paper media? Will digital media take over completely?

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