HR Limits: Unseen Growth

HR Limits Unseen Growth- Complete Controller

The human resource department is the basis of stability for every business, no matter what the industry is. From an IT firm to a commerce building company, to a multinational company to any hotel, the people working in these places landed there because the human resources liked them!

As the name suggests, the human resource department is quite resourceful. Landing a job in HR can make you feel superior since you can recruit, interview, and quickly hire or fire employees. In a 5-star hotel, you are bound to feel some dominance if you have the power to do something like that. 

Working in human resources is not for everyone. It takes unique individuals with specific skills and a desire to improve the workforce within the company. This improvement can be through internal improvements or from who is hired as a new employee. The question is. Do you want to work in human resources? Here’s everything you need to know about the human resource department to make that decision.

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What You Do in Human Resources

This department is essentially responsible for managing how employees work, and they quite potentially manage an employee’s stay in the firm or company. You work on recruiting, hiring, considering someone credible enough for the job, and so much so as firing someone. You can also be in charge of employee benefits. But then again, isn’t that all? 

As a member of the human resource department, you need skills. That would include communication skills, administrative experience, sifting through paperwork, and printing documents. Suppose you are up to your game and land yourself as the chief human resource officer. 

The correct CHRO is essential to the firm’s stability and standing since that position is responsible for executing strategies, managing the organization’s direction, and planning the next big step. The firm is growing, and the people you hired are growing. However, are you growing?

HR Growth

When you are in the human resource department, you are the only one not growing. You can take a company worth $100 to what is now worth millions; however, you will never unleash your full potential. In the human resource department, you can grow until a certain point. 

This ceiling of growth is the case with having one job. After a certain point, you either get a raise or leave that job. In this case, you shall be reviewing your growth, but you can only do it until a certain point, sitting on the four walls of your office as you sift through a pile of papers, looking for what you know you won’t find there. 

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Once we get comfortable in our jobs, we stop growing what the human resource department does. You can only do so many interviews, you can only do so much planning, you can make a hotel go from 1 star to 5 stars, but by the time you do that, you turn 50 and spend more than half your life growing something that someone else owns. 

You do not have a name in the organization, and it’s sad not to see your name on something you helped grow, from what was inside the cocoon to a butterfly. You are limited to a certain level of success, which is a complete stop.

Is HR Right for You?

If you are a nice person, human resources is probably a bad idea. Firing people when necessary can be challenging, especially if you know how important the job is for them. It can take a toll on your mental health as well, whereby not only are you limited to the four walls of your office but, in some way, are accustomed to the negativity that surrounds you.

That negativity comes with the job, but a problem arises when there’s no way out or substantial reward. Of course, that comes in the package, but what if there is something to excel at? Somewhere where you can be recruited and lead the actual game. 

You see people flourishing from rank to rank. You give them their offer letters and watch them own the place where they started. But that is all that you do; you watch. 

You will never realize your true potential because you have dedicated your life to recognizing other people’s potential. Even if you do not feel like you have the skills to deal with people, you will be trained well enough to lead them when the time comes. However, it is just that. It is learning one skill that will help you succeed at any firm.

The department can have restricted roles that can be troublesome; it can sometimes raise the ranks. If you’re starting your career, climbing the ropes of the human resource department can be particularly tough because it can take time to grow in that place. 

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It is not just the fact that the human resource department is a dry scene to be a part of; it is also the fact that it limits you significantly. It limits you to the point where you do not realize this anymore. One becomes indifferent to understanding it and shoves the idea of what they could be outside these four walls. 

Sometimes, when we start feeling comfortable where we are, we naturally ignore who we are. The human resource department extracts everything from who comes into that office but never from those who stay there. 

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