Is a Cashless Society a Good Idea?

Have you ever thought about spending a whole day outside without having cash in your pocket? That’s like saying that you landed the first step into a world that will soon be a cashless society. Will that be the case, and if so, when? It is a little difficult to imagine a community where people no longer carry cash. However, the modern banking system is flexible enough to support a cashless society thanks to cards and virtual transactions.

Despite that, we should consider the pros and cons of a cashless society. However, tangible currency was a norm throughout human history, with metallic coins accepted throughout the world. Virtual money, for now, is the closest thing to the cashless society we have today. That said, let us investigate the consequences of an organization that has no cash around: CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Carrying Cash can be Problematic

It started as a revolution and expanded its footprint the world over. With debit and credit cards, a new wave of banking suddenly spread its wings to many countries. This type of banking was famous for all the right reasons. You could operate your accounts by inserting weightless tiny plastic cards in ATMs and withdrawing a desired amount of cash. It barely took clients a few seconds to complete the withdrawal procedure. Suddenly, banking had become much easier for millions worldwide.

It was much easier than withdrawing cash using checks as it would consume time and was problematic. Branchless banking, a variant of virtual banking, was also gaining popularity as it facilitated cashless banking. Many conventional bank clients switched to paperless banking without considering the possible challenges it might pose in years to come. Going cashless was far from a reality for now, despite the rising popularity of cashless banking among millions. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

No More Cash is Good?

Safety is perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when we think of going cashless. Imagine the horrors of getting robbed on your way home or office because you had cash in your pockets. Will that happen when you deal in virtual transactions online? Also, carrying a large amount of money is difficult in many cases, especially if you are traveling on a private commute. Being watched by suspicious people on your way is the last thing you need. Going cashless is perhaps the best way to avoid falling victim to criminals, thieves, and robbers.

On the flip side, there are drawbacks to going cashless. For instance, you cannot always have your debit or credit cards with you, or sometimes you forget those at home. With no cash in your pockets, how will you go about with things or pay for services or products used? That’s where having no money around becomes a significant obstacle for many. Of course, having smartphones around makes things easier for clients as they can access virtual banking on the go, but is it safe? Our next most significant concern is going cashless in our crime-filled world.

Is Going Cashless Safe?

If keeping money in your pockets was unsafe and risky, what do you say about accessing your account on the go using a smartphone and getting it hacked in the process? That should concern you and all online banking users worldwide. Will you risk losing a few hundred in your pockets, or will you settle for jeopardizing your bank account? Of course, you would pay for a minor loss when push comes to shove. However, why would you settle for failure at all when online banking is safer to operate now than ever? Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Despite revamped safety, hackers and cybercriminals are becoming increasingly difficult to handle for cybercrime handlers. Every other day, there is news of hacking attempts on the accounts of a particular bank or financial institution. Some of these attempts are futile, while some are successful. The question is, will clients prefer losing their bank accounts to criminals? In all fairness, no! Online banking is the future of monetary transactions, and improvements will lead to a cashless economy worldwide. However, this will take time and is certainly not a possibility for now.

Final Word

Going cashless is widespread and is here to stay. However, it will take a while until we see a cashless economy. Perhaps it might happen in the next 50 years or so, maybe sooner, but for now, going cashless is not possible for reasons known to all.

Banks must work on safety, transaction security, and client data safety. Until they ensure complete protection for their clients, a cashless society will remain a pipe dream.

Cubicle to Cloud virtual business About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Manage Savings and Expenditures

For an overview, financial success depends on two imperative factors: financial education, if we use a more sophisticated word, financial literacy, and the ability to act upon it.

These two are the core part of a good and successful financial plan. Primarily, you must understand how to manage money and have a clear vision of where you want to be in your life and how you want it to end. Secondly, what actionable steps to follow? Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Irrational Decisions are Influenced by Financial Illiteracy

Financial illiteracy is one of the prominent signs that your inner psychological narrative is outdated. Your life is illustrated by how you think about money, influenced by parental beliefs, peers’ thoughts, and personal experiences. When we are uninformed about money management, we fail to achieve the goal that we aspire to. If you want to enjoy financial freedom, save money, and manage expenses but ruin every effort, you must reflect on your first concept about finance. Many people who fail to do so blame their consequences, speak ill about money and eventually start hating the rich.

When you are simply limiting your beliefs, the outcome is apparent. To avert this natural resistance, begin challenging your psychological blocks and adopt new ones. People will provide you with several guidebooks, podcasts, and real lessons to manage expenses and save money, but do they ever tell you ‘How to do it?’ What insights will lead you there? No. Therefore we will suggest a life-changing narrative to control finances.

However, here are some statistics regarding a survey conducted by

18% of the 15-year-olds in the United States had not been educated about the fundamental financial skills frequently applied in daily life. Such as creating a budget, shopping, and understanding how to save. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

High school seniors accurately scored 48% on a financial literacy exam, illustrating a dire need to brush up on financial literacy. Unfortunately, households fall victim to mounting debts, increasing interest, and scams with such illiteracy.

Do you want to be among the financial illiteracy statistics? Or attain your objective? The decision is yours.

Determine Your Income

Concentrate on your income first. Your payment entails money that comes in your authority and can be counted in the upcoming years. Whatever money comes in is what you include in your income, be it a welfare check, social security check, self-employment income, or anything. Furthermore, identify your sources of revenue.

Act Upon the Most Prevalent Phrase

Create a budget; yes, we all know you must have heard this a thousand times and been influenced to act upon it but then fell prey to your procrastination. But do you know why it is essential to make a budget?

Let’s shed some light on that. First, before you initiate a budget, it’s imperative to have an unflinchingly evident appraisal of your financial standing. Nonetheless, you may know how you spend and where you pay, but you often don’t know how small expenses make up significant instabilities.

Furthermore, Prioritizing and compromising are at the heart of efficient budgeting. A balance between long-term goals against short-term goals is where one immediately realizes the importance of saving. This way, you may be willing to compromise and give up on irrelevant expenses. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Pay Yourself First

People fall into financial crises because they are overly optimistic and deny the chance of it occurring. However, you break the chain when you intentionally save for unanticipated expenses such as increasing interest on monthly installments or unforeseen medical conditions. Emergency events come unexpectedly, and if one is mindful of this, allocate a savings account in your budget, even if it’s $15. Moreover, you can automate your savings if you struggle with overspending. A certain amount will directly go into your account from the monthly payment. You can take the first step, and confidence and financial success follow.

Revisit Your Financial Priorities

Set realistic goals. Don’t practice perfectionism, nor imagine it to happen. It is detrimental to our plan. For instance, you need to save for a down payment on a car, purchase modern furniture, boost savings within six months, or get a new house. But with your current earnings, it’s not possible. To save money, do the following: Do freelance work, create your own part-time business, and work overtime. That is one method to achieve your objectives, but keep in mind that working long hours should not put your health at risk. The second alternative is to evaluate your expenditures and financial goals. Even if you think you’ve trimmed your costs as much as possible, there’s always room for more savings.

Best wishes!

LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Corporate Social Responsibility

The term “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) appeared in the early 1970s and was perceived solely as ethics and morality in the business environment.

Now, the company is responsible for the following:

  • Employees for conditions and decent wages.
  • Consumers for the quality of services or products.
  • Business partners for the integrity of the partnership.
  • Society for activities, including advertising.
  • The local community of the area where she works.

Why Should Businesses Voluntarily Solve Social Problems? ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

It is not enough to say that your company exists and does its job well. According to research, 71% of consumers are willing to abandon brands that only work for money.

Marketing is becoming more socially ethical, and large companies invest millions in CSR implementation, writes Forbes. And for that, they get:

  • Bonuses in the form of tax incentives.
  • The Loyalty of own employees.
  • Additional competitive advantages to promote products and attract customers
  • A new level of relations with state bodies

Personal Motives

The head of the company is a person with his interests, preferences, aspirations, fears, stereotypes, and life experiences. It can have different values:

  • Contributing to the present and future.
  • Assistance to people in difficult life situations.
  • Religious beliefs.
  • Development of a pleasant direction and hobby. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now
  • Participation in something previously unattainable.

Corporate Motives

If you want to help those in need, it’s charity.

Related material: The role of the media in the image of the company

If your business employs people with disabilities, it is social entrepreneurship. The company both makes a profit and gives work to people with disabilities.

Regulatory Documents for Socially Responsible Businesses

Each company develops its corporate social responsibility strategy, but there are generally accepted documents:

  • The UN global compact.
  • National standard ISO 26 000 “Social Responsibility Guide.”
  • Reporting standards GRI and АА1000.
  • Other international instruments in the field of sustainable development

Who is a Socially Responsible Company?

You can see the list of companies on the site.

The USA Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs website has a national register of non-financial reports.

How to Become a Socially Responsible Business

You realize that your company needs to become socially responsible. How to do it?

  • On one’s own: This will help the charity department, marketing, PR, or HR. Employees begin to do good deeds within or beyond their core responsibilities.
  • Help with your company can help specialists from Digital Agency. We have existed in the market for 20 years and provide various promotion services.

For example, a hotel chain helps families who have lost their homes in a fire or other disaster. The hotel has allocated a separate room and accommodates fire victims for the first time. The staff helps with restoring documents and the purchase of clothes and essentials. The hotel also provides meals to those in need. The media department has agreed to be regularly informed of such incidents.

Example: Record a PSA as a company ZEWA. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

  • Through a corporate fund: Management is undertaken by specially hired employees. This option is suitable when the company organizes everything and realizes that it wants to help well. Such funds are becoming more popular and are already working in Rural USA Railways and others.
  • Through a crowdfunding platform, A separate corporate entrance is created for each employee, where he chooses an NPO and makes personal donations, for which the company rewards him additionally.
  • Through a non-profit organization (NPO): This is convenient when a company wants to become socially oriented but lacks appropriate staff. The organization transfers funds for the implementation of the NPO program.
  • Directly to beneficiaries on the recommendation of the NGO. In this case, the NPO only provides contacts, and the company itself helps.

By studying data service, Dobro Mail, about a third of medium and small companies in the USA are engaged in charity. Big business considers it part of a common strategy, an element of a management standard.

According to the outcomes of the study “Leaders of Corporate Charity – 2019″, in 2018, 32 large companies donated $10 million. Three years ago, 60 companies invested less than $10 million. Thus, businesses’ CSR budgets grew by almost three times.

Funding goes to projects in education, ecology, health, and the development of local communities.

How to Develop CSR in a Company

The direction can be chosen based on personal preferences or the advice of volunteer staff, selecting from the existing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by the UN General Assembly as “a blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all.”

It is getting to know local NGOs and choosing one that needs more support. It can be done through the government’s resource center or the administration of your city, at an NGO fair, or charity festivals. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Maximize Profits in a Small Company

Price Increase

Increasing the cost of products or services, on the one hand, may seem inefficient. Which client wants to pay more?

The proposed method is used quite often and works well. The research results by the consulting company McKinsey suggest that even if the price tag is raised by 1%, operating profit increases by 8-11%. There is no doubt that with considerable increases in price, orders decrease. However the profit will increase due to the rise in the average check, provided that the cost of production remains at the same level.

How to Set the Ideal Price for Your Product?

  • Step #1. Measure the current number of leads, average checks, and customers.
  • Step #2. Use the resulting values to calculate profit and conversion.
  • Step #3. Increase the cost of goods and perform a new calculation of marketing indicators.
  • Step #4. Estimate the final profit and see the conversion, leads, and profit dynamics.

Establishing the optimal balance between the number of customers and the price at this stage is essential. It is better to gradually increase the cost of goods, starting from the minimum values of 1% -10%. Be sure to test pricing innovations and never use multiple price increases.

Increasing Conversion

Conversion growth should be present at every stage of interaction with customers. The ideal one should look like this. The company has a digitized CMJ that you use to digitize the parameters at each customer touchpoint.

Your goal is to work on increasing conversions at each stage of the customer journey. Try to increase it by at least 10%. Then, the effect will increase several times compared to that achieved by increasing the conversion only at one of the stages of interaction with customers.


You place your ads in the Yandex contextual network. Its reach is 10,000 users, and 1,000 customers click on the ad. Out of these thousand visitors, you get 100 leads; out of this hundred, ten people become your company’s customers with an average check of $5,000. The cost of the advertising budget amounted to $5,000.

So, we fixed the amount of profit. Now let’s formulate a task for the marketing department and contractors – “We need to increase the conversion by 2% at each stage.” The final conversion will be 12% in each stage. Our budget will be the same as in the previous example. The new marketing metrics look like this:

So, we fixed the amount of profit. Now let’s formulate a task for the marketing department and contractors – “We need to increase the conversion by 2% at each stage.” The final conversion will be 12% in each stage. Our budget will be the same as in the previous example. The new marketing metrics look like this:

Increase in the Average Check

The average check consists of the average number of product units (units) in the check and the average price of one unit. For example, a customer of our company made a conditional purchase. His check includes pants worth $3,000 and a T-shirt worth $2,000. The size of the average check, in this case, will be $5,000, the average price of one check unit is $2,500, and the average number of sold units of goods is 2.

In this regard, a completely logical question arises – why is separation necessary if it is possible to increase the average bill without such difficulties? Splitting a check expands the helpful information for obtaining a set of tools.

For example, we discovered that increasing the number of units sold by one check significantly affects making a profit. Therefore, the company expands the assortment matrix and uses cross-selling in sales. If it becomes more efficient for the business to increase the average cost of a unit sold per check, then the company uses up-sell in its work and investments in the brand to achieve more expensive sales.

The Attraction of New Clients

The most popular way among entrepreneurs is to increase company profits, but not consistently the most effective.

Do not limit your customer acquisition channels; test other tools as well. Remember that social media targeting and standard search engines are not the only tools for expanding your company’s customer base.

Other methods are possibly not used by competing organizations in the market. Incorporate them into your company to improve the efficiency of your customer acquisition channels. Test channels, analyze metrics, and enhance the effectiveness of your advertising communications.

Tips on How Rich People Invest

TIP #1 – Follow a Solid Investment Strategy

One of the essential traits of affluent people is their ability to make and keep to solid plans. They strive to stay as far away from behavioral biases as possible when investing. They also realize that predicting the future is practically impossible.

Even the most powerful corporations on the market, those with the most technical skill and access to the most data, make estimation errors. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

TIP #2 – Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

People who understand how to diversify their assets and alter their portfolios regularly are the ones who have the best results currently. As a financial manager, I’ve learned that the rich diversify their investments between asset classes and, more significantly, across assets within each category.

In our investment strategy, we call this intelligent diversification.

TIP #3 – Have Clear and Well-Defined Goals

Aside from employing sound and consistent procedures, the most successful millionaires establish and stick to specific objectives. They also have a good idea of how long it will take them to attain their goals. Napoleon Hill promoted this strategy through his writings.

In “Those Who Think, Get Rich,” Hill emphasizes the necessity of having well-defined goals (and, in this case, investing like the rich).

TIP #4 – Protect Your Heritage by Linking it to Stronger Markets

Diversifying your portfolio is equally crucial as avoiding reliance on a single market. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Consider the following:

  • While some nations may see economic progress, others may endure terrible disasters.
  • The wealthy know this and do not devote their resources to a single market.
  • You can readily invest a portion of your holdings in a different nation.
  • It’s legal and will help you diversify your portfolio while reducing risk.

TIP #5 – Align Asset Allocation with Your Investor Profile

Creating an investment plan is worthless if you don’t know how much risk you’re prepared to take. When investing money, some people are more careful than others. Others aim to improve their revenues by taking additional risks. Like the affluent, get to know your investor profile first. Your investor profile will disclose how risk-averse you are and what you value most when investing.

From there, you can devise strategies and construct an investment portfolio based on your objectives and profile.

TIP #6 – Don’t Follow the Day-to-Day Financial Market

A Hollywood cliché is the multimillionaire investor who follows stocks in real-time and knows the world’s most significant economic events. The rich recognize that their investment portfolio should not rely on stock market success. They acknowledge that the link between long-term investments and market fluctuations differs dramatically from that which directly affects short-term investors.

Do not be fooled!

As I indicated, large fortunes are gained through hard effort and monetized through solid investments rather than speculating. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

TIP #7 – Do the Periodic Balance of the Investment Portfolio

You must balance your investment portfolio at specific periods, which you must determine based on your profile and objectives. Over time, your strategy may become obsolete, resulting in returns that fall short of your financial goals. Making this periodic evaluation is one of the responsibilities of millionaires who know how to manage their assets properly: They can either establish an appropriate asset allocation or employ a professional portfolio manager for the most part. Don’t forget about your equity; balance your portfolio regularly according to your strategy.

TIP#8 – Customization

Anyone who has taken a course in personal finance knows they need to know their income and expenses before investing. Likewise, it also knows that investments with different degrees of risk require more or less time to generate returns. However, when entering the world of private banking, it is clear that things do not follow this logic well.

The truth is that the millionaire has some quirks. He doesn’t necessarily invest in what makes the most financial sense but in what the richest in his relationship group supports.

Thus, typical human characteristics affect it, such as the “herd effect” (transformed into FOMO on social networks) and investing in looking in the rearview mirror based on past performance.

Reversing this behavior takes time and persistence. Therefore, it is customary among professionals who serve this audience to present them with some “pampering” and certain conveniences to win their trust. In addition, knowing what is part of your routine and your passions is essential.

Cubicle to Cloud virtual business About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Ways to Make an Amazing Budget

Keeping track of your finances is an essential aspect of adult life. You must ensure you have cash for your expenses and even save something for bad days. It can help you better manage, hold onto, and be in control of your finances. It also informs insiders how you spend your money and what’s on.

Learning effective methods of keeping track of your finances can be extremely helpful, especially if you want to make changes in your life, such as making changes in your life. B. take a new job or start a business. It is a process that is not difficult, but it takes time and perseverance. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Bank Statements

To track and keep track of your finances, you need to know where your money is going. To do this, you need to check your bank statements. You might want to invest in them or manage your expenses. Usually, mobile wallet apps sync with your cards and create charts and reports on spending your money.

Figuring out how to spend your money can help you track your finances, plan future expenses, and save for retirement or vacation.

Categorize Expenses

You must do it yourself if you do not have an app to monitor your expenses. Categorizing expenses is helpful because you have broad categories that make it easier to keep track of your costs. You will find that some expenses do not change much from month to month. You can include rent, gas, or insurance here.

But you will also find that you have variable expenses that change from month to month. Food, clothing, travel, and going out with friends are all included here. As you begin to track and manage your finances, you will become aware of all the money you are making and spending. And it becomes easier to manage your finances. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Budgeting Apps

Budgeting apps are unique because they give you more than a graph of how you have spent your money over the last month. They will help you create a budget that will work for you based on your previous records of how you spend your money. With all this information, you can set some spending limits, and budgeting apps will help you meet them.

You can synchronize your transactions with budgeting apps, automatically sorting them into categories and suggesting how to save money. Depending on the features you want a budgeting app to have, you may have to pay for it. However, the price is not that high, and budgeting apps are worth the cost, says Michael Hudson, an essay writer at Assignment Geek.

Explore Spend Trackers

A budgeting app may not work for everyone, and that is fine. Many other options can help you track and keep track of your finances. You can find some budget templates online for free or buy some if you need more complex features. Consider paying for billing software.

Financial experts recommend budgeting your income by percentages: 50/30/20. 50% of your payment goes towards your house costs, rent, etc. 30% should satisfy your wants and needs, and 20% should benefit your economy or your savings budget.

Finding the best tool to help you manage your money can be difficult. Some pay for apps that do it automatically. Some people even do it manually. Regardless of your preference, you should know that many options could suit your needs. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Change Unhealthy Spending Behavior

The first benefit to starting with your finances is that you will become aware that you are spending your money every month. You might think you are spending more on food, but you will find that going out with your friends will make you spend more. Tracking and keeping your finances gives you insight into your spending behavior and is the perfect opportunity to change that behavior. You can cut some costs and make significant changes to your budget, especially if you want to save money. You will also recognize the opportunity for change, re-budgeting, and healthier spending behavior.

Analyze Your Finances at the End of Each Month

To get an accurate and detailed report on your spending behavior, you must be consistent and persistent in your efforts to keep track of your finances. For this reason, you need to analyze your finances at the end of each month. You should also keep track of your daily expenses and check the charts from the end of the month.

If you spend more than you make, there may be a problem, and you need to determine the cause of your overspending. The simplest method is to add your total income and expenses and compare the two sums. You can also add the cost by category and see how much you spend on each domain: groceries, household, etc.

Download A Free Financial Toolkit About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Become an Investment Guru

Think for Yourself

Choosing long-term savings is a big issue that requires some thought work. Therefore, our first piece of advice is simply that you make your own decisions, just like us. Of course, we prefer that you invest in some good funds. And just like most others, we think it is wise to save regularly, for example, with monthly savings. As active managers, only invest in companies where you genuinely believe.

Find the investment philosophy that suits you. The most important thing is not to lose money; therefore, the price of the company’s intrinsic value is crucial. There are many companies, but not all are good companies, and even fewer are attractively valued. As I said, listen to experts and feel free to take advantage of tips from people like us, but in the end, let your common sense make the decision. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

How to Multiply Investment

The pyramids of Egypt and the hanging gardens of Babylon are some of the seven wonders that most people have heard of. But according to Albert Einstein, there is one more thing: interest on the interest rate effect, the eighth miracle.

A classic example of interest in the interest rate effect is the legend of the “rice grains on the chessboard.” According to this, an Indian ruler was so impressed with chess that he wanted to buy the game from its inventor, who must have been a cunning mathematician. The inventor wanted to pay in rice, more specifically, a grain of rice on one of the board’s squares, then double up on each other.

The ruler thought it sounded cheap and struck but soon realized it had ruined him. If you double the number of rice grains on all sixty-four chessboards, it will eventually be eighteen trillion rice grains to a weight of 461 billion tons.

This is how interest rates work on the interest rate effect, which long-term investors use. Every year, you get a return on your savings, the value increases, and if you get a return the following year, you also get a return on the previous year’s return.

So, it can continue, year in and year out, and over time, it can do wonders for your finances. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Short-Term or Long-Term Investment?

There is always something to worry about—war and unrest, proud politicians and recession, climate change, and terrorist attacks. Just look at all the misery that has occurred since 1988.

Of course, it would be desirable to predict stock market declines, but it is often hopeless. And when will you reinvest if you still have a chance to sell?

Short-term price movements are irrelevant when long-term values ​​are to be built. Instead of timing the market perfectly, there is a significant risk that you will miss a continued upswing. If you are selective and only invest in companies you believe in, you can improve the odds further. 

Always Invest in Good Companies

We cannot stress enough the importance of investing long-term and avoiding the temptation of trying to time the market. Invest in good companies and let them do the work. Be long-term, preferably in companies with an excellent direct return. As someone said, dividends are facts, and the stock price is just opinions.

Good companies are experts at making money, and you are entitled to your share of the profits as a shareholder. So, instead of staring at a computer screen and being tempted to make unnecessary and devastating relocations, you might as well take a walk. You get fresh air and stretch, strengthening the heart and stimulating thought activity.

You can play with the magic number 72 if you still want to consider investments. If you divide seventy-two by your expected annual return, you will determine how many years it will take to double the capital. Or vice versa: You want to double the money in x number of years and wonder what return is needed. Then, take 72 / x, and you will get the return in percent. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Speculator or Investor

The difference between investors and speculators is the view of strong price movements. The speculator tries to profit by predicting the price development, while the investor focuses on buying and owning “suitable securities at suitable prices.”

Or, as we usually say, good company at a reasonable price. Behind each investment is a thorough business model analysis, finances, sustainability issues, and management. Then we are happy to be long-term. Even good companies have their adversities, but they usually emerge stronger from crises in a way that strengthens our belief in them.

If you want to save long-term, you must prepare for short-term setbacks. Just because the earth takes a year to circulate the sun, it is not certain that a calendar year is suitable for evaluating an investment. Or are you a speculator?

Cubicle to Cloud virtual business About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

You Ought to Know About Investments

All investment strategies can, in principle, be summarized in two questions. Do I have the ability and competence to 1) find incorrectly valued companies? 2) Predict market movements? You will arrive at different investment strategies depending on how you answer these two questions. That is a set of rules and ways to invest your money. It can sum it up in a plan for the guru, one for the analyst, one for the trader, and one for the rest of us, i.e., the small savers.

Below, I have tried to summarize our strategy in several rules with justifications. The advantage of this strategy is that it does not require any skills to get started, can be created in one evening, and does not need to be maintained for several years. It should not be something new for you, those following us for a while. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Do Not Try to Find Wrong or Undervalued Companies; Instead, Buy All Companies in all Markets

Several studies have shown the fruitlessness of being a better analyst than others. 99.4% of all professional fund managers fail to beat the index (= the average for the entire market) over time. The majority of all small savers underperform year after year against the index. Two professional fund managers who manage more than $500 million expressed that it is challenging to analyze better than others. They feel the market was wrong about long-term valuations, especially in the multiple studies. If professionals like them have a tough time doing better analysis, and given the time, experience, and skills, how do I do it better as a small saver? CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Do Not Change the Strategy as Long as the Goals Do Not Change

One of my most common mistakes is changing my strategy when market conditions have changed. I have had 100% equity exposure, and then the market has fallen by 20%, and it has not felt easy. I have sold assets and reduced the risk to make it feel less complicated. You should avoid this mistake by doing the right thing from the beginning. My rule is that the strategy and asset allocation should only change if my goals change, not if the market changes.

 Save Monthly Regularly

Saving monthly is one of the best things you can do for many reasons, not least because it improves returns for a long time and makes declines smaller. The reason is that when you save monthly in a downturn, you get more shares at a lower price, boosting the way up.

Focus on Getting the Right Balance in Savings Between Shares and Interest Rates Through, e.g., the Four-Bucket Principle

My experience is that most – incl. I – is at risk. Either you have too little chance, or you have too much trouble. Both are equally wrong because they can lead to insufficient money. If I have too negligible risk, the amount never grows to my need. If I take too much trouble, then maybe I reach the sum but lose a large part of it when the market turns, and I am in the same situation where the money is insufficient. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Realize that You are the Biggest Enemy of Your Money Through the Behavioral Mistakes You Will Make

I have reflected that most of us lose more money in our savings on behavioral mistakes than we do due to the market. It is about everything from the fact that we think the market is highly valued and we do not want to save now, or that we think it will go down, or that we panic when it goes down, that we are wrong in risk, that we do not sell what goes wrong and so on.

In principle, the above rules only talk about the WHAT and WHY of investment strategy. However, in the simplest case, it is about setting up regular savings on a fund. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Paying Off Debt on a Low Income

In the latest report of the Council for Society (RVS), ‘Simplicity Pays’ from June this year, we read those debts are increasing because the government has made them too complicated. The rules are complex and sometimes even contradictory. As the report title implies, simplifying the game laws in this country pays off and may improve cooperation between aid providers. If we all know that debt causes other problems, such as health problems, why can’t we make it easier in the Netherlands? RVS indicates possible directions for solutions. Simplify the rules, make it easy to get help, and give creditors room to help. But we are not there yet. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Debt is Not a Problem

There are so many reasons for getting into debt. Consciously or unconsciously. A divorce, higher healthcare costs due to illness, or perhaps more significant expenses than income. There can be all kinds of reasons. As I said in my last blog, debt is not a problem. It only becomes a problem if payment agreements are no longer met or one can no longer repay a loan. The person in question must act. If you know the cause of the payment problem, you can work on a solution. 

Debt is necessary; we must have some debt to build credit. Debt is only a problem when you allow your debt to accumulate so much that you cannot make the monthly payments as required. This is a problem. 

But there are also obstacles due to the nature of the problem. For example, work does not always pay off; people often ring the bell too late for various reasons. In addition to money worries, many also have other problems, such as health problems and psychosocial problems. Debts and other issues cause a lot of unrest and stress in people and limit their self-reliance. However, these are factors that people themselves can hardly influence. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Where do You go With Debt?

For now, finding the right way is still quite a task. The range of help available varies from municipality to municipality. From 2012, when the Municipal Debt Assistance Act (Wgs) came into effect, the city had the legal task of organizing debt assistance. The municipality can, therefore, design this entirely itself.

Due to the complex and sometimes unclear rules, many parties in the care sector do not cooperate well. Because each municipality can design the aid, presenting a picture of how the ‘standard’ works is challenging because there is no standard. What can you do then, and where can you best refer me?

Are You Unable to Manage Your Money Affairs Yourself? LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Then, it is essential to ensure the problems do not get any bigger. A budget coach or budget manager can help with this. At the same time, the person can seek a settlement for the debts.

A budget coach helps you arrange your financial affairs yourself. You must be able to make an overview of your income and expenses. It will help with budgeting and planning when you can spend something. It prevents new problems or debts. Anyone may exercise the role of budget coach. These coaches can be found through the municipality, social work, or the credit bank. Help is free, provided it is part of a debt relief process through the city. Sometimes, it costs money.

In budget management, someone else manages the money. It prevents new debts. The money is then placed in a separate account where the budget manager works. It can be an administrator, a municipal credit bank, or a budget management agency. Following the agreement, the debtor will then receive a budget. It is an agreed amount for daily expenses. The budget manager then pays all bills. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

How to Deal with Money Spam

Why Spam is More than Just a Nuisance

There are numerous reasons to avoid dealing with spam. Still, some of the more concerning possibilities include exposing yourself to identity theft or allowing an attacker to infect your computer with viruses and malware. In the worst-case scenario, you might face charges for crimes you didn’t realize you were assisting the spammer with, such as money laundering or dealing with stolen property. When dealing with spam, the best course of action is to delete the mail as soon as possible.

If you wish to prevent spam communications, remember that if something seems too good to be true, it generally is; this will assist you in avoiding shady contests and offers. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

How to Protect Yourself from Spam

While spam is difficult to prevent, utilizing appropriate anti-spam software may considerably decrease and even eliminate the quantity of spam that collects in your inbox. Thanks to developments in software intelligence, many anti-spam filters can now understand which communications are valid and which are spam without user participation. If the spam filter misses a spam communication, the user can mark it spam. The filter responds to the new danger in this way.

You can considerably limit spam threats by ensuring you remove them from your inbox and other key folders by using an Internet security protection package. Furthermore, many Internet security software packages include phishing protection. Phishing protection can be helpful when an email appears authentic but isn’t. Phishing prevention is an essential element in any anti-spam product since these emails frequently ask for banking information other than financial credentials. CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Identify the Main Types of Spam

Rumors or hoaxes, chain letters, frauds, ads, and viruses are among the most prevalent spam sorts. Rumors or hoaxes are messages that include misleading information and can be circulated by email or social media. It might be fake news, fake sweepstakes, and so on.

The chains are those messages with shared prayers, how to earn easy money, etc. Generally, there is some punishment for those who fail to carry out the order to pass on the message. Scams are messages that tell some sad and touching story to try to get some financial advantage, like a deposit in a checking account or the sale of some product that promises incredible results.

Anti-Spam System

Anti-spam systems are tools that filter and categorize emails into the following categories:

  • Addresses that have you flagged as spam get put on blocklists
  • Whitelisting: addresses that are recognized and safe go to your inbox
  • Emails with questionable addresses go to your spam folder

Simple solutions are insufficient for businesses. Businesses should utilize a more robust program, such as the Mail Inspector solution from HSC Brazil, better known as MLI. There are more than 28 options in this solution.


Antispyware are applications that detect and remove unwanted programs, such as spyware and adware, that may be present due to spam communications. LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault


On the other hand, firewalls are devices that ensure the security of data packets sent across a network while also blocking unwanted access.


Antivirus software safeguards the computer from dangerous applications, round out the list.

Finally, spam is vermin that may cause problems for the organization and its personnel. On the other hand, your organization can function in a secure atmosphere if you follow the security advice and use the appropriate protection measures.

Email Care

Protect your email address by not posting it in comments on social media or anyplace else that hackers might readily access;

  • Please do not forward items such as chain letters, rumors, or the like, and do not register on any site because many sell their email lists
  • Mark communications as spam, which helps email servers improve their anti-spam filters
  • Avoid opening messages from unfamiliar addresses and interactions with suspicious emails, such as clicking unsubscribe buttons. This operation is similar to address verification for spammers 
  • When emailing a large group of recipients, utilize the blind carbon copy field. As a result, you will contribute to securing the recipients’ addresses
Download A Free Financial Toolkit About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits